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Become a patron of a Ukrainian child

Ladies and Gentlemen, Dear Friends!

Several times in the past has Europe plunged into a great war. Last time, it happened due to ignoring the Nuremberg Laws, which then drove millions of people into extermination camps. Please, let us not ignore another genocide on European territory, let us not ignore forced resettlement of Ukrainian children into Russia, and their involuntary re-education.

We are Paraborn, a training and educational system (, and we hereby ask all people of goodwill, famous people, artists, actors, musicians and singers, doctors and scientists in the Czech Republic, Europe, Britain, Switzerland, the USA, and other democratic states in the whole world, please, become a patron of a Ukrainian child.

The destiny of 20 000 people is currently unknown. The aim of this call is sending 20 000 appeals to the International Court of Justice in Hague, and putting press on national and international institutions, politicians, and democratic systems.

In 1939, Nicholas Winton saved 669 mostly Jewish children from Czechoslovakia, Germany and Austria when he managed to send them to safety to Britain. He showed us that impossible is nothing.

On upcoming days, our goal must be nothing but successful homecoming of every single abducted child to their mother, father, and family. Our efforts must not cease. Please, let us be persistent until the goal is reached. God help us.



Example of a letter:

I, MUDr. Václav Jordan, MScDM, MPA, born on December 6, 1963 in Nové Město na Moravě, Czech Republic, hereby express my protest against abducting children and their resettling, which constitute a criminal act of genocide.

I ask for the extradition of children abducted from Ukraine to Russia, and I hereby become a patron of one abducted Ukrainian child.

I agree that this appeal of mine will be delivered via Paraborn program to the International Tribunal in Hague.


On June 1, 2023, Schiers, Switzerland


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